So many lovely memories of Jim, such a kind, loving, family man who always had a smile even when times were tough. He will be remembered always x
Sheila & Glen
28th March 2025
He didn’t give me those "Terminator genes" which would have been nice, but he did give me love. He chose to be my Dad and teach me what it means to be a man: integrity, honour, and loyalty. He was a deeply loyal man, always giving others the benefit of the doubt and treating everyone with respect—unless they were disrespectful, and then he let them know. Rudeness was not tolerated.
Dad never forced his opinions on others or spoke beyond his knowledge. He didn’t do hate or jealousy. He respected women and embraced people different from himself. He was effortlessly cool.
He was a rule-breaker, an authority-hater, and a lover of gossip. He was so funny, But above all, he was a provider who allowed you to love him in return. He was sweet, kind, and one of a kind.
I loved him dearly.
Bye, bye, bye.bye.
21st March 2025
I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are.
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was.
Extract from a poem by Henry Scott Holland